the interior: The car had definately been driven and the interior showed it’s age. the biggest issue was the carpet, firewall upholstery, wiring and things left unfinished or abandoned.
what we found and did.
We found the car had 3 upholstered panels installed in front of the firewall to hide the poor wiring and finish work on the firewall. The panels were all removed, new kick panels fabricated and upholstered. We gained almost 6 inches of floor space in removing the panels. Its now a cleaner look. All this was done by Todd.
Once we stripped things back we found the wiring going to the rear was all not protected and just routed under the carpet and duct taped to the floor. There were many loose and non connected wires along with a couple of toggle switches that went to nothing also just under the carpet. All the wiring was pulled out, and re-routed along the drivers door base for a cleaner floor profile. The wires were all wrapped and protected in a wireloom
The carpet was in poor condition and 3 different types of carpet was installed. Once the carpet was removed we found the floors in great shape and were original. There was no padding or sound deadening material installed like the previous owner said there was. The floor was then rust sealed, dynomatted and new squareweave carpet installed. In the pictures you can see the silver dynamat, that was the only protection installed on the floors to the entire car. It was in good condition and it still remains.
We discovered the car had a stereo installed at one point but it was removed and the wires and speakers still remained. The speakers we found in it were “Sparkomatic” speakers (KMART brand we think) which were highly used in the 80’s. A new hidden kenwood bluetooth stereo and 6x9 speakers were then installed in the hidden storage area behind the seats.
Behind the seat there is a hidden storage area. It didnt have any floor covering and was pretty nasty with all these wires and partially stuck on dynamat. When we bought it, the owner pointed out the dynamat to us which gave us the impression the car had been dynamatted all over. All this was pulled out, then rust sealed, dynamatted, and finshed off with a black flooring fabric. This area can now be used to store items out of sight. We are planning to install some type of lighting in the storage box along with a gas strur to hold open the lid.
Under the dash was a rats nest of wiring and many wires that did not go to anything. The car had an American Autowire kit/fuse panel, but the previous owners did not do a quality job and hid the poor wiring work behind the panels. The fuse block was mounted on a piece of wood suspened under the dash. How it was mounted allowed the board to wobble back and forth which loosened the wires over time from the fuse panel. We cound even see some of the wires were burnt slightly from the movement. This was all corrected, the fuse panel was remounted up behind the dash and the rats nest of wires was cleaned up and the connections were all corrected. Re correcting the wiring opened up 3 auxillary fuse spaces to use for furture projects. This was many hours of routing and tracing the wires to their origin. Again all this work was done by Todd himself.