The mystery continues (2)
Well, after posting on-line to locate any previous owners and possibly the builder, I located 2 additional owners. So here is the time line:
Me: (2023- present)
Alan M. (Maryville TN): 2015-2023
Robert P. (Maryville TN): 2007-2015
Tom E. (Jackson TN): 1998-2007
Unknown Builder (Houston TX) ?-1998
When I spoke with Robert, he explained the car was in need of a lot of work. He replaced the engine with a chevy 350 and did all the engine work. He also explained he had to do a lot of rewiring and new exhaust as well. He did indicate the car had been in an accident with minor right front end damage, but that too was also repaired.
Tom had the oldest history of the car. He explained he bought it from the builder who was from Houston Texas. He showed me a few of the photos he still had of the car, but due to his records being old and his age he could not recall the builders name or find any contact history with the builder.
So I am stuck to find anymore information at this point unless anyone out there gets in touch with me about this car’s history and background. However, I have not documented all I have learned for the next care taker yet, but let that be a long time from now so I can continue to improve on and preserve this car. Again, if you wish to donate to this project please go to the donation page, and scan the QR code for the go fund me page.