researching the mystery
One of the first things I started to do was research the car. After finding little to no history on it when I bought it, I knew theprevious owner had an old carshow display poster of the car from when it was freshly built. The picture of the car had palm trees in the background, so this is maybe why the owner told me the car came from Florida, but I think he may have been guessing on that fact. Since this was how the car looked prior to the me owning it, I took a chance and went onto several sites (facebook, google, H.A.M.B. etc) and did a blanket post asking if anyone recognized this car. A few days later I got 2 responses from two previous owners.
The first person explained he owned the car for 10 years (2005-2015) and sold it to the owner I bought the car from. He then gave me some previous photos of the car and explained the car still looks like what it did from when he owned it. He didn’t have too many clues, but knew the car was built in Houston Texas, not Florida. This owner was now 77 years old